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Photos by: Nicole Sergent Photography 

The Space City has one of the darkest Death metal bands pushing its way to the surface. Throne of Malice was the debut EP back in 2022 and it revealed the aggressive yet obscure nature of their music. HASEROT hasn’t stopped spreading evilness since then. Cryptos Grimm, drummer, and Justin McKittrick, vocalist, got together and talked about their upcoming show in Austin this January 20th, what drives them to write sinister music, the new recording and lots of more.


It’s a killer lineup for the show in Austin. How did HASEROT get added to the bill?
C. Grimm: Thanks bro, that one would be me, I assembled this lineup for our first show of 2024. All of the bands here we consider friends and family. Our return to Austin has been something we have been looking forward to since the final note of the last set at The Lost Well back in July of last year.

Does the name of the band come from the Haserot Weeping Angel sculpture in a cemetery in Cleveland? If not, what’s the moniker’s origin?
C. Grimm: Yes, indeed it does, also part of our logo.

Have you heard of or shared the stage with these bands before? Do you recommend any band/s in particular?
C. Grimm: BLACK HORSE OF FAMINE actually played our very first show ever, which was a sold-out show that we headlined. And we have played several shows with them since, they are family, same goes for our brothers in SERPENTIAN. We have a lot on the calendar with them going forward, we get along really well and it feels natural doing shows with them on the road. This will be our first show with DEATH FILE RED, which I am looking forward to as their "Inhumanitarian" EP is one of my favorites of 2023.  

How do you face the fact that there are so many bands playing Death metal, and you need to make it different to stand out and not be a part of the carbon-copy ones?
C. Grimm: I think that boils down to songwriting. Like any genre, at any point in time, those that write actual songs that connect with the listener will stand out from the pack.

Nicole Sergent Photography 2

How does the band feel about the upcoming show in Austin next January 20th? What venue are you guys performing in?
C. Grimm: We are looking forward to our return to The Lost Well, it was kick ass time the last go round, this one will be even better!

How far has the EP “Throne of Malice” traveled? Are you pleased with the turnout?
C. Grimm: At this point, it has travelled worldwide, thanks to our label Redefining Darkness Records. Definitely pleased with the response to the EP and everything that has happened since the release. We have had the opportunity to share the stage with the likes of DEICIDE, INCANTATION, SACRAMENTUM, SUFFOCATION, HORRENDOUS to name a few.

What can Austin metalheads expect from HASEROT delivery that night?
Justin-We’ll bring our unique blend of ferocity coupled with infectious and memorable songs. We pride ourselves on maintaining our brutality while not forsaking song craft.

 Is it hard or easy to keep a metal band active nowadays? What’s the biggest challenge?
Justin-Typically it is difficult to keep a band together, but we’ve all been friends for over a decade before ever jamming together. If you don’t at least like one another, your band isn’t long for this world.


If you were to point out Houston’s best and worst values as a metal scene, what’d you say?
Justin-Best: The absurd level of talent and creativity amongst Houston’s scene.
Worst: The city is just so spread out that it’s hard to draw people to shows at times, due to distance and ridiculous traffic.

What’s the band working on in terms of new songs? Is there a debut album in the works?
Justin-Well, tracking for the full-length LP is complete and we’ve got a number of surprises up our sleeves. Everyone says that before a new release, but truly, we have some cool things going on with this album.

What are some short-terms goals or plans for the future?
Justin-Aside from a string of Texas shows, we’re working on the logistics of a prospective east Coast run over the summer.

Thanks for your time, please state some words for the band followers and for Scriptorium’s readers.
Justin-We sincerely appreciate all of the bands, fans and others who keep the Texas underground scene running strong. We promise not to let ya’ll down. Cheers!


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