Scriptorium Magazine history... Havana’s Malecon is a long-cemented wall which stops waves from flooding the city. The Malecon is the Cuban Berlin’s Wall, it’s the place where couples fall in love, where kids find entertainment, where men find food by fishing, where inhabitants enjoy cool breeze at night. It’s the Lament Wall where people go and look at the horizon in search of a better future; it’s a sad barricade where parents, sisters, wives and children shed their tears for those who are no longer at home.
Havana’s Malecon is the natural ear that listens in silence the deepest secrets and hopes of Cuban families. It’s the place where mothers throw flowers and promises to the Saints, it’s the right church to ask for protection for those who defy the forces of nature; for those who escaping, by any means, find a solution to their agonies. Havana’s Malecon was our accomplice along with The Madriguera headquarters, it was the co-conspirator for the crew that took the flight AA 9413 heading to Miami’s International Airport on March 10th last year.
That was the beginning of this new era for SCRIPTORIUM, the Cuban underground fanzine that released 23 issues at Havana and now intends to continue its path or evolution in USA. For ten months our urge to write was supplanted by a hard process of adapting, the muses were taking a vacation as new conditions were pretty much different as the environment where metal was pressed in black and white back in Cuba. The musses have decided to come early this morning as night time is for booze, adult movies and other interpretations. Musses in their new schedule have been forging these writings; musses in their new schedule want to make a statement: …America, you have a different metallic devotion for your scene, together we can show the world what we are made of. Cuba, we don’t forget where we come from. Metalheads, SCRIPTORIUM is back, we will never let you down, kill by hanging the fucking rip offs and embrace this offering as our covenant…
Alex Sanchez